Maximizing the visual experiences of the Scenic City since 2014

If you ask Dr. Bohrman why he chose optometry, his answer is simple– As far back as he can remember, he’s only wanted to study eyes. After playing basketball and graduating high school in Huntsville, AL, Dr. Bohrman attended the University of Tennessee and earned his BS in Chemistry. He then attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s School of Optometry where he graduated and made the decision to start his optometry career in Chattanooga. Falling in love with the scenery and lifestyle of Chattanooga, Dr. Bohrman quickly adopted the city as his own and knew that his lifelong dream of being an optometrist had finally come true. Not wanting any person to miss out on the gorgeous views of our Scenic City, Dr. Bohrman takes great pride and joy in helping people maximize their visual experiences.